Friday, November 18, 2011

Nota Biologi Tingkatan 4

Bab 1 - Pengenalan Kepada Biologi (Introduction to Biology)

Kajian Biologi (Study of Biology)

Bab 2 - Struktur Sel dan Organisasi Sel (Cell Structure and Cell Organisation)

Struktur dan Fungsi Sel (Cell Structure and Function)
Menghargai Keunikan Sel (Appreciating the Uniqueness of the Cell)

Bab 3 - Pergerakan Bahan Merentas Membran Plasma (Movement of Substances Accross the Plasma Membrane

Pergerakan Bahan Merentas Membran Plasma (Movement of Substances across the Plasma Membrane)

Struktur Membran Plasma (The Structure of Plasma Membrane)

Sifat Ketelapan Membran Plasma

Bab 4 - Komposisi Kimia Dalam Sel (Chemical Composition of the Cell)

Unsur Kimia Dalam Sel (Chemical Element in the Cell)

Kepentingan Sebatian Kimia Dalam Sel

Kepentingan Air Dalam Sel


Jenis-jenis Karbohidrat

Struktur Protein


Peranan Enzim Dalam Proses Hidup Organisma

Bab 5 - Pembahagian Sel (Cell Division)

Kepentingan Mitosis (The Significance of Mitosis)


Bab 6 - Nutrisi (Nutrition)

Jenis-jenis Nutrisi (Types of Nutrition)

Gizi Seimbang

Sifat Vitamin

Bab 7 - Respirasi (Respiration)

Keperluan Tenaga Untuk Proses Hidup (Energy for Living Processes)

Bab 8 - Ekosistem Dinamik (Dynamic Ecosystem)

Ekologi (Ecology)

Komponen Abiosis

Komponen Biosis

Rantai Makanan

Aras Trof

Bab 9 - Ekosistem Terancam (Endangered Ecosystem)

Aktiviti manusia yang mengancam ekosistem (Human activities that endanger an ecosystem)

Impak Aktiviti Manusia Terhadap Ekosistem


Program Bestari

Q & A: Program Bestari Biologi Tingkatan 4, Mac 2013


    1. come on teacher..ineed it.....please ...more bio notes in this short time

    2. I love your notes , It's very complete . hopefully , you will update more and more information . thank you .
